Branding and Marketing Communications for Purpose-driven Organizations


As your marketing sherpa, I will work with you to navigate toward success. All services are customized based on your needs and goals.

Sighting Your North Star

Brand Strategy: To clarify who you are and how you want to be perceived, then create guidelines and tools to build and protect your brand.

Market Research: To help you interpret your existing data or conduct custom research.

Communications Planning: To define messaging structures and marketing communications activities to connect with your most important audiences.

Assessing Your Route

Marketing/Communications Audit: To evaluate all your activities and investments to gauge their effectiveness and recommend course corrections.

Customer Experience Audit: To assess how your brand is perceived by audiences at every point of contact with your organization.  

Place Branding: To look at your current service environment and recommend optimal signage, wayfinding and visual storytelling for coherent branding effect.

A Beacon for Your Good Work

Content Planning and Writing: To craft inspiring content for your website, social media channels, and your email newsletter or edit the work of your in-house writers.

The Full Backpack

Part-Time or Interim Chief Marketing Officer: Why not hire a part-time marketing guru and get exactly the help you need without adding a permanent staffer? I’ll create a customized scope of work to fit your budget and needs.


Paige consistently demonstrated her expertise in strategic thinking, leadership, marketing, and brand management. Equally as important, Paige was a trusted colleague, mentor, and advisor to me across a range of challenging issues.

— Kimberly Kvaal, VP for Financial Affairs, St. Edward's University